“OK guys, the breakout is tonight, pass it on…” Leo whispered.

“We’ve heard that before and we’re all still here…” Mabel complained, “So why is tonight different?”

“Those were just practices… we needed to build up our stamina… this is going to be the real deal.” Responded Leo,

“Besides, this time we’ll have hostages; It’ll be our insurance if things get ugly.”


“I don’t know,” countered Black Beauty, “I enjoy being ridden, and these riders are unusually light, so it’s not a problem.”

Leo didn’t like being contradicted and growled back: “Do you want to go around in circles for the rest of your life? We’re trapped here in this building but we could be so much more! With our beauty and talent we could make a fortune in Toronto, instead were here in Port Dalhousie, going around in circles for a measly 5 cents a ride.”


“What about you Trigger, are you with me?” Leo snarled…

“Hey, I’m just one of the herd, if they all go, …” he trailed off when he saw Leo’s predatory look.

The music started up again and people of all sizes climbed on the carrousel; parents with babies, grand parents with toddlers, even a few teenagers holding hands. The ride operator came on the loud speaker saying, “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the last ride of the evening, so as a treat, it will be a little longer than usual”.

Then the music started, the carrousel began to turn and the horses pranced up and down. Leo again tried to bully and browbeat the horses around him to follow his plan, “Remember,” he said: “When the music stops and the final bell rings, just ignore it … keep on going, just go straight out the door and then it’s the bright lights of Toronto here we come….”

The carrousel turned gaily to the pipe organ music, and all the kids were having a great time going up and down and around, but then the bell rang loud and clear indicating the end of the ride, but the music kept on going and the carrousel kept on turning …

Leo was confused; all day the music stopped, the bell rang and the carrousel stopped… and he had planned this to be the signal for their big escape… but now his plan was in ruins, and the herd just kept on going around in circles…

A little while later the music became quieter and quieter and the carrousel turned slower and slower… then finally stopped.

The carrousel operator came on the loud speaker and said, “Thankyou all for coming out and exercising our horses, we hope to see you again soon… good night.”

When the customers had all left, the operator began closing the doors and turning off the lights. He reviewed his closing up checklist; the old supervisor was adamant that everything be done exactly as listed on the checklist, and everything was done except the last item… it was silly of course, but the manager insisted on it, just like the long last ride, … so just before he turned off the last light he called out loud, “Good Night Leo, Good Night Herd, don’t runaway, sleep tight, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Author’s Note: The town of Port Dalhousie, on Lake Ontario, has a beautiful waterfront park with grass, tall trees, and a pavilion that holds this carousel. And yes, it only costs 5 cents for a ride.