If you ask me, everything is getting too complex now-a-days. It’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s fake; and it just makes me so mad.

Back in my day, before they invented Trump, if you saw something, it would be true. Or if the government told you something, you could believe it; you could bank on it.

Back in those days, the Internet was a Wild West, a true frontier. If you didn’t agree with someone, you could argue with facts; and if that didn’t work you flamed them, or they flamed you.

Back then, it was easy to identify the bad guys (them) from the good guys (us) by the hat they wore. Of course, us good guys always won. Oh, that was the Golden Age, an age of innocence, an age of plenty.

But somehow things changed when we weren’t looking. They added all this newfangled social media stuff; seducing everyone into building avatars to represent themselves… they could look like anything you wanted.  That was just the “gateway drug”. They next seduced everyone into displaying their own perfect image… facts didn’t matter; they could be easily faked or denied.

And then they invented Trump. Now facts and truth could be denied on a global scale. The currency of expertise was devalued, and anyone could claim to have alternate expertise of equal value.

There is a lot to be said for the old ways, for honesty and truth being the best policy…the only policy. It just burns my butt when I see people being fake. It seems “not caring about substance”, is the style now-a-days. Only image is important … you would never see me doing that.

Author’s Note: This picture of me was taken at the Montreal Museum of Fine Art, during the “Western Exhibit.”