I love coming up here on my motorbike when I have something important to decide. For some reason, the vista here settles my mind and helps me get perspective.

The grazing cows seem so peaceful. They have an idyllic life. Not only do they have a simple, natural diet, but they have a stunning view as well.

I wonder if they worry like I do. I wonder if they ever feel the need to make a life-changing decision. Does grazing with this immense vista give them serenity, or does it make them question their place in life, their status in the herd?

And how do they determine their status in the herd? Do they compare, do they determine their place based on udder size; or are they udderly content? Content to eat, shit, and be milked; egalitarian in everything they do.

I wish I could be as simple-minded as that. Just go with the flow, enjoy my Big Macs, enjoy my beer, enjoy the sound of a good, loud, burp.

But I’m not simple, nor simple-minded.

When I take my girlfriend out to MacDonald’s on my motorbike; I see in her eyes, and in her attitude, size is important… She wants the biggest burger — the biggest fries — and when were outside sitting on my motorbike eating; I see her eyes search out the guys for the biggest ones. I know where her eyes go.

I know size makes a difference. Women won’t say it upfront because they don’t want to bruise the male ego — but you see it in their eyes. You see it in that intimate, unguarded moment when they climb on. I know it makes a difference if they have something substantial to hold onto. Only size, power and speed, will satisfy.

Yes, I have envy — size envy.

It’s shallow of me, I know, but my mind is made up. The remedy isn’t cheap, but I need to get all my savings together and take the plunge.

I need to buy a Harley.