looking at a construction site

Have you ever watched people try and try and get nowhere? It’s so frustrating. I’ve been watching these amateurs for a couple of weeks now. At this pace, they won’t be done before the snow comes. Why are they making such a production of this excavation?

Even with my truck and loader from the sandbox, I could have done it in half the time. But no, they won’t ask me for advice or help. Nope, they’ll just muddle on.

It’s also such a waste having so many people standing around, supervising. Their only job, it seems, is to help the excavator dig out the exact spot they want. If I did the work, I wouldn’t need any supervisors. I could do it all by myself because I’ve practiced long and hard in the sandbox and have become one of the best.

And why did they put up these huge barriers here at the park? It’s not as if they are replacing the sewer system or something. I bet it’s just to keep me out. They don’t want me to go there and set them straight about digging in the wrong place. That’s not where my toy truck went down the drain.