
“OK guys, the breakout is tonight, pass it on…” Leo whispered. “We’ve heard that before and we’re all still here…” Mabel complained, �...
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Arles Modern Art

“I don’t know why your daughter asked us to meet here; this isn’t anything like that expensive Van Gogh’s stuff we saw earlier. I can apprecia...
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Garden Sprite

I know it doesn’t look like it, but I’m worried; my sweet home is under attack by barbarians. This hasn’t happened before and now I am almost pa...
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Amsterdam Red

Amsterdam can be a pretty crazy place for someone from Canada. You’d expect the Dutch to be organized and orderly, and they are, but they also have ...
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Canal du Midi, Carcassonne

“You need to buy the dream.”, the owner said; “I’m not selling a house boat, I’m selling the opportunity to live your dreams.” He was an o...
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Amsterdam Love Locks

“How do I know you love me? How do I know you aren’t just faking it, to take advantage of me?” a nervous voiced quivered. “This is Amsterdam a...
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