The Archer

  She stands tall, naked, her eyes focused, face without emotion. Her bow is taught as her muscles, and she eyes down the arrow shaft to her targ...
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Hun on Horseback

The Hungarian Plain spread out in front of the rider and his horse; he had just left the cold Carpathian Mountains and now the going would be easier. ...
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Splendid Hotel: Berlin

  Leopold could not walk fast anymore; looking at this old man you would wonder how he could walk at all. He didn’t really walk, but rather he ...
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I Have to Pee

  Mats and Greta were inseparable playmates. They lived two blocks from each other in Aachen’s west end, and after school and on weekends they ...
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Checkpoint Charlie: Berlin

    “You know, she’ll never come back” Charlie whispered hoarsely above the traffic noise. “The tourists never do… they are like f...
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Goddess of the Garden

  I love my garden; I embrace its smells, its texture, its chaos, and let it colour my life. The pink-purple Rose of Sharon, the white Daisies, t...
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